1. User Help
  2. FDI / FDT3


FDI Support

FDI packages are loaded in PACTware in the device catalog administration.
To do this, open an already saved project or a new project and then select the "Device catalog administration" menu item in the settings.
The following window then opens (displayed DTMs may differ).

Clicking on the 3-point menu (1) next to the 'Refresh device catalogue' button opens the context menu shown.
Selecting 'Manage FDI Packages' (2) opens another window.

Select Packages

New FDI packages are first selected via the 'Add Package(s)' button and then added. A Windows Explorer window opens where the corresponding file(s) with the file extension fdix can be selected. Currently, packages for HART, PROFIBUS and PROFINET are supported.

FDT3 Support

FDT3 DTMs are no longer distributed via the classic setup in every case. Instead, packages are 'installed' if necessary.
This is done similar to the FDI Packages via the device catalog administration. To do this, 'Install FDT3 DTM' is selected in the 3-point menu next to the 'Refresh device catalogue' button. A Windows Explorer window opens, in which the desired FDT3 packages with the file extension dtmpkg are selected.